Welcome to the Barrage Fan Site!
Paying tribute to the amazing violin group based out of Alberta, Canada
New to Barrage? Check out the videos below!
Jessica Hindin
The Performers
The talented cast of Barrage - 7 violin players, 1 drum kit player, 1 percussionist, 1 guitar player, and 1 bass player - is made up of an international group of musicians that all contribute an impressive array of multi-instrumental talents. The players are chosen...
Benjamin Gunnery
The Creators
Vagabond Tales – The Violins
Vagabond Tales – The Action
Vagabond Tales – The Sounds
Vagabond Tales – The Sights
Vagabond Tales – The Tale
The Byrds – official group website
CoDance.com – Co Dance Company
gaudiallgaudi.com – Gaudi architecture and history
http://www.sashacohen.com – Sasha Cohen figure skater fan site
http://www.everybodylovesray.com – Everybody Loves Raymond fan site
http://www.thedenvereye.com – Denver photography
http://www.knotslanding.net – Knots Landing fan site
Have you seen any of the Barrage shows? Leave Your Feedback Below!
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loved barrage
Wish they would come back! Loved and miss them!
Yes, back in Phoenix, it was absolutely fantastic, my son also attended a camp in Flagstaff, Az. I wish the group was still around
I have seen your performers twice in chicago and want to take my great nephew and nieces. When will you be coming to Chicago. My oldest niece plays violin and she would love the show
Awesome group!!!
This group of young musicians are awesome. My family saw them live twice. They are full of energy and very talented musicians.
St. PATRICKS Day Triumph
Hard to believe it was 20 years ago this week since I saw Barrage at the Hummingbird Centre in Toronto on St. PATRICK Day. I grew up on fiddle music in Nova Scotia in the 60's and 70's and Barrage is some of the best that I have had the privilege of hearing and seeing .
barrage ROW!
I love these guys. Took my daughter many years ago when she played violin. need to find a youtube of ROW. Does this group still troup?
Gabriel's Oboe
I saw Barrage perform in Michigan many years ago. I believe that it was their last concert. One of the performers played Gabriel's Oboe". It was the best performance of that song I have ever heard. I do wish that I could find a recording of that song.
Regards, Gary
Barrage in Dunoon, Scotland
I took my dad to see a Barrage concert in Dunoon in, Ithink, 1999. He was a]91 yrs old and was thrilled by the performances. Dad played violin a little bit, but had never had lessons so this was totally amazing to him. I loved it too but I have a lasting memory of that evening that I know meant so much to my dad. He died less 6 months later. So thanks for the memory.
Come back
Please please come back
We miss the show soooooo bad
Many many years ago I took my daughter to a Barrage show. She had played violin since the age of 4 and was enamoured with this group. She had severe Type 1 diabetes and used her violin music as an outlet. I had managed to get the attention of a few of the players after the show. They handed her a violin and asked her to play. They raised eyebrows and applauded at her abilities and encouraged her to apply to the group. I am so thankful to these individuals for being kind and compassionate....so encouraging. Due to Breanna's health struggle and just lifes journey she never fulfilled that audition. BUT she always talked of it. Breanna lost her battle with the disease late January 2019. Some of the last conversations I had with her she talked of her love of music and the pure joy she felt after that performance. I feel that her music sustained her; her dream to play with Barrage never left her. I weep to think of where she could have gone with the group and the joy and fulfillment that could have been. Bless you Barrage. Keep encouraging young adults to make music and live a full life.
The best energy, talent and class
After seeing this group I Cannot imagine ever listening to . or watching a performance without thinking of Barrage. I am looking forward to the next time I can see them.
got a vhs tape of them and loved them then aw in in peron in wichita kanas they are sooooooooooooooooo good
We say two Barrage concerts several years ago and I periodically reviewed the site looking for new concerts in the DC area to no avail. Makes me sad as the performances were excellent!
Saw the group by chance while at Disneyland in California on our way out of Tomorrowland. Stayed fir the whole performance, bought the CD, still play it! Love the energy and the mood each song portrays.
A Violin Sings and a Fiddle Dances
We saw Barrage perform several years ago in Beverly, MA, USA and to date it is probably THE best concert thst I have ever atended, and I have attended many concerts! The quality and skills of the muscians was absolutely amazing. Above all of that, the creativity of their show and performance was absolutely incredible!!!
My only regret is that they have never returned to the Boston market, at least thst I was ever aware of!